Documentation page for

Functions to compute Hausdorff distance between AR axes pairs and link ARs across time steps to form tracks.

Author: guangzhi XU ( Update time: 2020-06-05 22:46:19.

class AR_tracer.AR(id, data)

Ojbect representing an AR entity

Hausdorff(lats, lons)

Compute modified Hausdorff distance from the lastest record to given axis

  • lats (ndarray) – 1d array, the target axis’s latitude coordinates.
  • lons (ndarray) – 1d array, the target axis’s longitude coordinates.

float – modified Hausdorff distance from this AR to the given axis.

__init__(id, data)
  • id (int) – a numeric id for each AR.
  • data (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame storing an AR’s records.

1d array, get the latitude coordinates from roughly evenly spaced points from the AR axis.


1d array, get the longitude coordinates from roughly evenly spaced points from the AR axis.


Add new records to the AR track

backwardHausdorff(lats, lons)

Compute backward Hausdorff distance from the lastest record to given axis

  • lats (ndarray) – 1d array, the target axis’s latitude coordinates.
  • lons (ndarray) – 1d array, the target axis’s longitude coordinates.

float – backward Hausdorff distance from this AR to the given axis.


(Nx3) ndarray, (time, lat_centroid, lon_centroid) coordinates of an AR track.


track duration in hours.

forwardHausdorff(lats, lons)

Compute forward Hausdorff distance from the lastest record to given axis

  • lats (ndarray) – 1d array, the target axis’s latitude coordinates.
  • lons (ndarray) – 1d array, the target axis’s longitude coordinates.

float – forward Hausdorff distance from this AR to the given axis.


the AR record of the latest time point in an AR track.


1d array, the latitude coordinates of the AR axis in the latest record in an AR’s track.


1d array, the longitude coordinates of the AR axis in the latest record in an AR’s track.


1d array, the latitude coordinates of the simplified AR axis in the latest record in an AR’s track.


1d array, the longitude coordinates of the simplified AR axis in the latest record in an AR’s track.


sorted time stamps of an AR track.

AR_tracer.filterTracks(tr_list, min_duration, min_nonrelax, verbose=True)

Filter tracks

  • tr_list (list) – list of AR objects, found tracks.
  • min_duration (int) – min duration in hrs to keep a track.
  • min_nonrelax (int) – min number of non-relaxed records in a track to keep a track.
Keyword Arguments:

verbose (bool) – print some messages or not.


tr_list (list) – list of AR objects, filtered tracks.

Tracks that are filtered:
  • tracks that are too short, controlled by ‘min_duration’
  • tracks that consist of solely relaxed records.
AR_tracer.forwardHausdorff(lats1, lons1, lats2, lons2)

Compute forward Hausdorff distance betweem 2 tracks

  • lats1 (list or 1D array) – latitudes of track1.
  • lons1 (list or 1D array) – longitudes of track1.
  • lats2 (list or 1D array) – latitudes of track2.
  • lons2 (list or 1D array) – longitudes of track2.

forward Hausdorff distance in km.

AR_tracer.getAnchors(arr, num_anchors=7)

Get anchor points along from an axis.

Parameters:arr (ndarray) – 1D array from which to sample the anchor points.
Returns:(ndarray) – 1D array of the sampled anchor points from <arr>.
AR_tracer.getDistMatrix(tr_list, newlats, newlons)

Compute distance matrix among track axis anchors

  • tr_list (list) – list of AR objs, existing systems at time t=t.
  • newlats (list or 1D array) – latitudes at t=t+1.
  • newlons (list or 1D array) – longitudes at t=t+1.

dists (ndarray)

n*m matrix consisting distances between existing

and new tracks. Rows as new records at tnow, columns as existing tracks.

AR_tracer.matchCenters(tr_list, newrec, time_gap_allow, max_dist_allow, track_scheme='simple', isplot=False, plot_dir=None, verbose=True)

Match and link nearby centers at 2 consecutive time steps

  • tr_list (list) – list of AR objs, existing systems at time t=t.
  • newrec (DataFrame) – new center data at time t=t+1.
  • time_gap_allow (int) – max allowed gap between 2 records, in number of hours.
  • max_dist_allow (float) – max allowed Hausdorff distance allowed between 2 records, in km.
Keyword Arguments:
  • track_scheme (str) – tracking scheme. ‘simple’: all tracks are simple
  • 'full' (paths.) – use the network scheme, tracks are connected by their
  • points. (joint) –
  • isplot (bool) – create schematic plot or not.
  • plot_dir (str) – folder to save schematic plot. Only used if isplot=True.
  • verbose (bool) – print some messages or not.

tr_list (list)

list of AR objs, ARs with new matching records

appended at the end.

allocated_recs (list): list of ints, ids of new records that are

attributed to existing systems during the process.

Matching is based on geo-distances and uses nearest neighbour strategy.

AR_tracer.plotHD(y1, x1, y2, x2, timelabel=None, linkflag='', ax=None, show=True)

Plot Hausdorff links

  • y1,x1 (ndarray) – 1d array, y, x coordinates of AR axis A.
  • y2,x2 (ndarray) – 1d array, y, x coordinates of AR axis B.
Keyword Arguments:
  • timelabel (str or None) – string of the time stamp. If given, plot as subplot title.
  • linkflag (str) – a single char to denote the type of linking, used in generated plot. ‘’ for initial linking, ‘M’ for a merging, ‘S’ for a splitting.
  • ax (plt axis obj) – if not give, create a new axis to plot with.
  • show (bool) – whether to show the figure or not.

Read in individual AR records from .csv file

Parameters:abpath_in (str) – absolute file path to AR record file.
Returns:ardf (pandas.DataFrame) – record saved in DataFrame.

New in v2.0.

AR_tracer.trackARs(record, time_gap_allow, max_dist_allow, track_scheme='simple', isplot=False, plot_dir=None, verbose=True)

Track ARs at consecutive time points to form tracks

  • record (DataFrame) – AR records at different time slices.
  • time_gap_allow (int) – max allowed gap between 2 records, in number of hours.
  • max_dist_allow (float) – max allowed Hausdorff distance allowed between 2 records, in km.
Keyword Arguments:
  • track_scheme (str) – tracking scheme. ‘simple’: all tracks are simple
  • 'full' (paths.) – use the network scheme, tracks are connected by their
  • points. (joint) –
  • isplot (bool) – whether to create schematic plots of linking.
  • plot_dir (str) – folder to save schematic plot.
  • verbose (bool) – print some messages or not.

finished_list (list) – list of AR objs. Found tracks.